Irene Jean Marie, affectionately known as Unique KPS, is the visionary behind Uniquelicious. Born in Port-au-Prince and having migrated to the USA in December 1995, she has always been a woman driven by passion and resilience. With an Associate degree in Business Management from Borough Of Manhattan Community College and a Bachelor’s degree in Social Welfare from Medgar Evers College, her diverse educational background and experiences have shaped her into a formidable entrepreneur. Her journey includes a tenure with the NYPD, but it was the tragic loss of her husband that inspired her to redirect her energy toward fashion—a lifelong passion that has become the heart of Uniquelicious.
As the Founder and Creative Coordinator of Uniquelicious, Irene is dedicated to empowering women through fashion. She meticulously curates each collection to ensure it resonates with the modern, confident woman. Her mission is to make every woman feel vivacious, sexy, and comfortable in her own skin, regardless of her shape or size. Her unique approach to luxury swimwear, lingerie, and adult exotic products is driven by her commitment to customer satisfaction and her desire to inspire other women to embrace their individuality and beauty. She is not just an entrepreneur; she’s a role model, a mother of two, and a strong, driven woman who continues to inspire others with her story and her work.
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